Careers 2 Communities

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When all students can learn critical math skills by seeing how math is applied to meaningful, everyday tasks used in a variety of careers, we can begin to close the learning gaps across the state. Interested in learning more and implementing Pathway2Careers Curriculum for free?

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To support the C2C program’s ambitious goal to improve student outcomes and foster economic growth and New Mexico, NS4ed is pleased to welcome Ricky Williams as an important contributor to this effort.

As part of the New Mexico Careers2Communities program, teachers provided feedback about Pathway2Careers Curriculum. Find out what they had to say.

Intended to be used in a blended learning model, P2C lessons supplement and compliment the core curriculum. This curriculum is on the PED approved math supplemental material list and is a FREE resource for all New Mexico schools.

In developing educational practices and strategies, there is a strong need to ensure the destination is clearly defined. The destination can serve as a unifying direction for the educational journey, regardless of the path taken.

Equity that begins with career education becomes an equalizing educational experience.  

School counselors create clarity for students through assessment of interests and goals, and guidance to ensure that capabilities match interests, maximizing future success.