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Pathway2Careers™ (P2C) solves some of the biggest challenges in education, helping learners and teachers make daily connections between what they’re doing now in the classroom and what they’ll do later in life. In doing so, we answer the most asked question from learners: When will I ever need to know this in the real world?
The C2C program seeks to enhance college and career readiness throughout New Mexico. Pathway2Careers is available at no cost to all New Mexico Schools, teachers, and students thanks to a Federal Grant through NMPED.
All materials supporting the CTE Statewide Advisory Board (including agendas, surveys, flyers, and the event website) were developed under grant number H421E230016 – STATE OF NEW MEXICO PUBLIC EDUCATION DEPARTMENT from the Department of Education. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. (Authority: 20 U.S.C. §§ 1221e-3 and 3474).
Copyright © 2025 Career2Communities