Improve Math Proficiency
The question asked in every math classroom year after year is, “When will I ever need to know this in the real world?”
P2C Math is a research-based, innovative math curriculum designed to deliver robust math content that answers this important question. P2C Math accelerates learning, increases engagement,
and demonstrates how math is used in future careers.
P2C Math is available to all New Mexico schools at no cost thanks to a federal grant.
P2C Math Includes:
- Courses in Pre-Algebra (SP), Algebra I (SP), Geometry (SP), and Algebra II
- Over 650 high-value careers represented
- Students understand the value of math in the workplace
- Students benefit from career exposure
- Students develop purpose in learning
- Full alignment to individual state standards, including Common Core State Standards
- Math assessments with a Quantile® measure that indicates students’ readiness for more complex skills.
- Assessment results that provide comparisons to the math demands of different careers in the Quantile Career Database
*(SP) = also available in Spanish