Invest in Student Success
P2C Career Explorer takes a unique approach to career preparation by focusing on the intersection
between education and workforce.
With guided resources to help students discover their strengths and create successful career
paths, students can envision a future in a career, and find purpose in learning. By helping more
students discover their potential, we see powerful outcomes in their lives.
P2C Career Explorer Includes:
- A guided curriculum designed for grades 6-12 offers age-appropriate career readiness content and features multiple subject integrations with dual learning objectives.
- 119 lessons focused on topics that include personal discovery, career preparation, career evaluation, and career awareness.
- Career tools and assessments to support informed career decisions.
- Learning aligns to the 16 career clusters from the National Career Clusters Framework.
- Career library guide students to understand the high value careers in their region.
- Students can manage their career discovery journey in one centralized location and share information with educators.
- Equip students with sound financial knowledge with the Financial Literacy course.