Careers 2 Communities

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P2C Professional Learning



10:00 – 12:00 pm

Free Learning Event

Educators interested in implementing Pathway2Careers math curricula are invited to attend professional learning with MC2. This 2-hour session will provide an overview of the resources, help you integrate them into your classroom and improve your teaching. 

P2C Professional Learning



4:30 – 6:30 pm


Free Learning Event

Educators interested in implementing Pathway2Careers math curricula are invited to attend professional learning with MC2. This 2-hour session will provide an overview of the resources, help you integrate them into your classroom and improve your teaching. 

Featured Articles

Don't miss out on the latest & greatest news.

Interested in Mathematics and Computer Science? Learn more from Nemecio Chaves, an IT Manager!

Interested in biology? Do you love animals? Learn more about how to become a wildlife biologist and studying big game population.

Have you ever wondered what a Zoologists or Wildlife Biologist do? Have you ever wondered what the requirements are to become one? This article helps answer those questions.

As part of the New Mexico Careers2Communities program, teachers provided feedback about Pathway2Careers Curriculum. Find out what they had to say.

Pathway2Careers Curriculum will have digital lessons available on September, 23. Attend one of the upcoming webinars to experience the flexibility of digital lessons and see how you can bring career-focused math lessons to students.

When all students can learn critical math skills by seeing how math is applied to meaningful, everyday tasks used in a variety of careers, we can begin to close the learning gaps across the state. Interested in learning more and implementing Pathway2Careers Curriculum for free?

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