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Community Connection

To support the education initiatives throughout New Mexico, the Careers2Communities (C2C) program is focused on closing the gaps between education and employers with career-connected learning. Pathway2Careers (P2C) plays an integral role in career readiness for all students. By clearing the biggest educational hurdles, P2C challenges current approaches and motivates student learning through career-connected relevance.

By helping students discover their potential through career-connected learning, New Mexico and Pathway2Careers are building a talent pipeline prepared to meet the needs of an ever-evolving New Mexico economy.

Strengthening the connection between education and industry ​

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Career Story Videos

Through the curation of authentic career stories, students can be exposed to a library of “virtual mentors” and discover a wide range of occupations by a diverse set of individuals. Share your unique story!​

engineer at industrial park

Identify High-Value Careers

NM Career Pathways provides detailed information about high-value careers and job market trends at a regional level. This resource allows educators to fine-tune their resources to meet the needs of the community.

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Report: The Impact of Career Exposure and Career Exploration on Outcomes for K12 Students​

Explore the research that studied more than 300 personal videos collected from a diverse set of professionals in New Mexico. The study explored ways to advance career readiness through authentic career stories.

Coming Soon